Robusta generic 8


Home/ Robusta

Cof­fea canepho­ra Pierre ex A. Froehn­er is a species of cof­fee that orig­i­nat­ed in cen­tral and west­ern sub-Saha­ran Africa. 

In the wild, it is found main­ly in the under­sto­ry of humid, ever­green forests (but some­times in sea­son­al­ly dry humid forests or gallery forests) with ele­va­tions rang­ing from 50 to 1500 m above sea level.

Featured Varieties
Sln.1R  S.274, CxR (Congensis x Robusta)

Plants that are very vigorous and grow into moderately large trees.

Sln.2R  Balehonnur Robustas, CxR (Congensis x Robusta)

Plants that are very vigorous and grow into moderately large trees and produce large beans.

Roubi 6

High productivity and high cup quality.

4 BRS 2336
BRS 2336

Adaptable to the environments of the Western Amazon, with high productivity and bean size.


The Robus­ta Vari­eties Catalog

Robusta generic 6

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Robusta generic 7

History of Robusta

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Robusta generic 5

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Genetic modification in coffee

All of the vari­eties list­ed in this cat­a­log have been cre­at­ed through tra­di­tion­al breed­ing approach­es. To the knowl­edge of sci­en­tists at World Cof­fee Research, no com­mer­cial­ly avail­able cof­fee vari­ety has been cre­at­ed through genet­ic engineering.

World Cof­fee Research and all par­ties receiv­ing fund­ing from WCR are pro­hib­it­ed from engag­ing in the devel­op­ment of genet­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied coffees.

World Coffee Research

World Coffee Research is a 501 (c)(5) non-profit, collaborative research and development program of the global coffee industry to grow, protect, and enhance supplies of quality coffee while improving the livelihoods of the families who produce it.

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We've created a printable version of our coffee variety catalog specifically for farmers. Available in English and Spanish.