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Home/ Arabica

Cof­fea ara­bi­ca is native to Ethiopia, where the major genet­ic diver­si­ty of the species is found. His­to­ri­ans believe that cof­fee seeds were first tak­en from the cof­fee forests of South­west­ern Ethiopia to Yemen, where it was cul­ti­vat­ed as a crop. 

From these ear­ly plants, farm­ers and breed­ers have select­ed and cre­at­ed dozens of wide­ly cul­ti­vat­ed Ara­bi­ca cof­fee vari­eties, each unique in its per­for­mance and adap­ta­tion to local conditions.

Featured Varieties
Batian 1

A tall variety that combines high yields, tolerance to coffee leaf rust, resistance to coffee berry disease, and good cup quality.

Bourbon 1

One of the most culturally and genetically important C. arabica varieties in the world, known for excellent quality in the cup at the highest altitudes.

Centroamericano 1
Centroamericano  H1

Very high yielding with very good quality potential if planted in healthy soil and at elevations >1300 meters, with resistance to rust. Well-adapted for agroforestry.

IHCAFE 90  Catimor

High yielding plant adapted to lowest altitudes. Requires high fertilization.


The Ara­bi­ca Vari­eties Catalog


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Genetic modification in coffee

All of the vari­eties list­ed in this cat­a­log have been cre­at­ed through tra­di­tion­al breed­ing approach­es. To the knowl­edge of sci­en­tists at World Cof­fee Research, no com­mer­cial­ly avail­able cof­fee vari­ety has been cre­at­ed through genet­ic engineering.

World Cof­fee Research and all par­ties receiv­ing fund­ing from WCR are pro­hib­it­ed from engag­ing in the devel­op­ment of genet­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied coffees.

World Coffee Research

World Coffee Research is a 501 (c)(5) non-profit, collaborative research and development program of the global coffee industry to grow, protect, and enhance supplies of quality coffee while improving the livelihoods of the families who produce it.

Are you a coffee farmer?

We've created a printable version of our coffee variety catalog specifically for farmers. Available in English and Spanish.